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Upcoming Events

Anan Alsheikh Haidar & Claus Kreß & Isabel Schayani
»Syria in Transition: Insights and Challenges«

29 April 2025 - 6 p.m., International House (Kringsweg 6)

The venue is wheelchair accessible and the lecture will be held in spoken English.

Deutsche Gebärdensprache (Logo)
Photo: Isabel Schayani

Following the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad’s regime, the new interim government is presented with a unique opportunity to establish good governance. However, ensuring security, stabilizing and revitalizing the economy, and building political cohesion pose enormous challenges. How the interim government copes with these challenges will be decisive for its legitimacy.

Transitional justice is another key challenge, and this includes confronting past mass atrocities and gross human rights violations by ensuring accountability and by working towards reconciliation. Without an inclusive, meaningful transition, Syria risks falling back into a circle of violence and injustice.

‘Syria in Transition’ is meant to provide insights into and to discuss the current situation in Syria, the challenges it faces, and the prospects for a sustainable and peaceful future.

This SALON event is organized in cooperation with the Institute for International Peace and Security Law and the Cologne Center for Advanced Studies in International History and Law (CHL).

Circular photo portrait of Dr. Anan Alsheikh Haidar

Anan Alsheikh Haidar is a Research Fellow at the Institute for International Peace and Security Law at the University of Cologne. Previously, she served as a Phillipp Schwartz Fellow at the institute from July 2016 to December 2018. Dr. Haidar holds a Ph.D. in Law from the University of Reading where she also completed her Master of Laws (L.L.M) in Advanced Legal Studies, as a Chevening Scholar. Her legal education began at the University of Damascus, Syria, where she obtained Diploma in Law. Throughout her academic career, she focused on international criminal law and international human rights law. 

Dr. Haidar is a member of the Cologne Center for Advanced Studies in International History and Law.

Circular photo portrait of Claus Kreß


Claus Kreß

Claus Kreß has been Professor of Criminal Law and International Law at the University of Cologne since 2004. He holds the Chair of German and International Criminal Law and is Director of the Institute for International Peace and Security Law. Professor Kreß is also a founding member of the Cologne Center for Advanced Studies in International History and Law (CHL).

Circular photo portrait of Isabel Schayani


Isabel Schayani

Isabel Schayani is a journalist and broadcaster specializing in political and social issues. Since 2016, she has been responsible for the WDRforyou project, which is designed for refugees and is presented in four languages. Isabel Schayani is known for her precise analysis and committed reporting, especially on migration, integration and international crises. She has received several awards for her journalistic work, including the Grimme Prize.

Rotem Gross
»Antibiotics and Bacteria: A Battle for Survival«

21 May 2025 - 6 p.m., International House (Kringsweg 6)

The venue is wheelchair accessible and the lecture will be held in spoken English.

Deutsche Gebärdensprache (Logo)

Antibiotics have transformed medicine by turning deadly infections into treatable conditions, saving countless lives. 

In this discussion, we will explore what antibiotics are, how they specifically target and disrupt bacterial cells, and the biological mechanisms that make them effective. However, bacteria have evolved techniques to neutralize antibiotics, including modifying their processes to prevent drug action and producing neutralizing enzymes. We will examine how bacteria acquire resistance features through random mutations and gene sharing across species. Understanding the function of antibiotics and bacterial resistance is essential for addressing the challenge of antibiotic resistance. 

This talk will provide an overview of this complex struggle and its implications for human health.

Mohammed Errbii & Luisa María Jaimes Nino
»The Fascinating World of Ants: The Little Things That Run Our Planet«

6 June 2025 - 6 p.m., International House (Kringsweg 6)

The venue is wheelchair accessible and the lecture will be held in spoken English.

Deutsche Gebärdensprache (Logo)

With over 15,000 extant species and at least 150 million years of evolutionary history, ants are among the most successful multicellular lineages on our planet. Today, their total biomass exceeds that of all mammals combined, making them one of the dominant organisms in terrestrial ecosystems.

Together with a colleague from Mainz University, we will share our fascination with ants. In an informal setting, we will present some of the most remarkable studies on ants, showcasing how their adaptive innovations and functional diversity have been key to their success. Additionally, we will share insights from our own research on Cardiocondyla obscurior, an emerging model organism for studying social evolution, genome evolution, aging, and developmental processes.

Mohammed "Simo" Erbii

 Mohammed Errbii

Mohammed “Simo” Errbii is a biologist from Morocco specializing in evolutionary genomics. He recently completed his Ph.D. in Biology at the University of Münster, Germany, where he investigated genome dynamics and evolution in insects. His research focuses on how genetic diversity is generated and its impact on organisms, using population and comparative genomics approaches, with a special focus on ants. Currently, he is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Cologne, investigating genome dynamics in asexual organisms to better understand the evolutionary significance of sexual reproduction.

Ahmet Yikik & Aylin Walder
»Elif Shafak. A Sociological Exploration of Gender Migration.«

2 July 2025 - 6 p.m., International House (Kringsweg 6)

The venue is wheelchair accessible and the lecture will be held in spoken English.

Deutsche Gebärdensprache (Logo)

The work of Elif Shafak, a British author of Turkish descent, delves deeply into migration and gender issues. In this presentation, I will shed light on so-called "deviant" individuals and social groups through Elif Shafak's narrative landscape. I will discuss how Shafak’s fiction contributes to expanding the concept of being "human" by addressing issues of gender and migration. In essence, I aim to lay the groundwork for re-imagining social concepts through literary works.

Ahmet Yikik

 Ahmet Yikik

Ahmet Yıkık obtained both his master’s degree (2013) and his PhD (2019) from the University of Cyprus, Department of Turkish and Middle Eastern Studies where he currently serves as an Assistant Professor. Yıkık is the author of two books: *Voices from the Periphery – Written Works from Cyprus* (Kesit Publications, Istanbul, 2022, in Turkish) and *First Serialized Novel in Turkish Cypriot Literature: A Glance* (Günce Publications, Ankara, 2021, in Turkish). In addition, he continues to contribute to Cypriot literature through criticism and translation. His research interests include immigration, social mobility, identity, gender, and prejudice.


University of Cologne International Events Calendar



Past Events

In cooperation with: ZADIK (Zentralarchiv für deutsche und internationale Kunstmarktforschung)

Special Event in collaboration with ZADIK: Art and Cultural Goods in Circulation


10-11 March, International House (Kringsweg 6)

Business records of auction houses are rarely accessible to the public but offer unique research data - especially for private sales, where they often represent the only sources for changes of ownership. This symposium focuses on the Hauswedell & Nolte archive, the first German auction house archive made publicly accessible. The event, and especially the podium discussion at the evening of 10 March, is open to the public.

More Information

Mulu Hundera
»Family Support in Female Entrepreneurship: Perspectives from a Developing Country«

29 January 2025 - 6 p.m., International House (Kringsweg 6)

The venue is wheelchair accessible and the lecture will be held in spoken English and translated into German sign language. Supported by the "Gebärdensprach- und Schriftdolmetschen" fund.

Deutsche Gebärdensprache (Logo)

Dr. Mulu Berhanu Hundera, a scholar from Ethiopia focusing on entrepreneurship, strategic management, and gender studies. Currently a visiting postdoctoral scholar, her research focuses on female entrepreneurship in developing countries. Her expertise spans both academic research and practical fieldwork, having worked extensively at Haramaya University in Ethiopia and the Maastricht School of Management in the Netherlands.

In her talk, Mulu Hundera will let us gain insight into her study on the circumstances in which family support acts as both an enabler and a constraint on the success of female-led businesses in Ethiopia.

Her research enriches the knowledge on female entrepreneurship by reconciling research on family support and gender. It also extends the understanding of paradoxical relationships in entrepreneurship. The  study emphasizes the importance of policy interventions to address traditional gender roles and optimizing family support.

We are looking forward to hearing more about the “family support paradox” and invite you to join us. 

Cologne International Forum: Perspectives

Photo: Artwork by Yara Damir

Herausforderungen für die Demokratie in der postmigrantischen Gesellschaft

Die Ringvorlesung des Instituts für Sprachen und Kulturen der islamischen geprägten Welt (ISKIW) und des Instituts für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (ISS) der Universität zu Köln befasst sich mit Herausforderungen für die Demokratie in der postmigrantischen Gesellschaft angesichts der aktuellen politischen Entwicklungen. Dazu gehören Verletzungen von Menschenrechten und Ideologien der Ungleichheit, Autoritarismus in seinen verschiedenen Formen, Antisemitismus und antimuslimischer Rassismus. 

Wir freuen uns die Januar-Veranstaltungen als Kooperationspartner am Cologne International Forum begrüßen zu dürfen.

Die Veranstaltungen im Januar finden im International House, Kringsweg 6 statt.

Eine Anmeldung ist erforderlich. 


13.01.2025, 16:00-17:30 Uhr (hybrid)
Ozan Zakariya Keskinkılıç (Humboldt University Berlin):

Wie fühlt es sich an, als Gefahr wahrgenommen zu werden? Selbstbilder, Emotionen und Umgangsweisen mit dem „Bedrohungsszenario“ im antimuslimischen Rassismus

20.01.2025, 16:00-17:30 Uhr (NUR ONLINE)
Prof. Dr. Naika Foroutan (DeZIM, Berlin):

„Importierter Antisemitismus“? Herausforderungen für die postmigrantische Gesellschaft

27.01.2025, 16:00-17:30 Uhr (hybrid)
Prof. Dr. Claus Leggewie (em./KWI Essen):

Erweiterte Demokratie: Für ein Parlament der Dinge


In cooperation with: Multidisciplinary Environmental Studies in the Humanities (MESH)

A Covenant for the Earth: An Introduction to Islam and Ecology

3 December 2024 - 6 p.m., International House (Kringsweg 6)

Al-Mizan: A Covenant for the Earth, presents an Islamic outlook on the environment in a bid to strengthen local, regional, and international actions that combat climate change and other threats to the planet.

After Imam Saffet Abid Catovic’s presentation, who was part of the Scholars Team in the writing of Al-Mizan, we will follow up with a panel response by

Dr. Katajun Amirpur (Islamic Studies, UoC)
Dr. Laurel Kearns (Ecology, Society, and Religion, Drew University)
Dr. Carrie Dohe (MESH, UoC)

More Information

Final Conference of the International Research Cluster

Conflict-Induced Displacement and Socio-Economic Resilience: Learning from Neglected Conflicts in Cameroon and Myanmar

The currently estimated 281 million migrants worldwide constitute 3.6% of the global population (IOM 2022). Of these migrants, 89.5 million have been forcibly displaced (IOM 2022). This figure is larger than the domestic population of all but 16 countries in the world. Despite this overwhelming number of displaced persons, political and humanitarian measures to address forced migration are often ad-hoc and largely neglect the socio-economic aspects of this displacement. To better manage forced migration, it is important to understand migrants’ socio-economic situations, including their legal and economic integration in the host region as well as their economic contributions in the conflict zone. Research-based analyses and policy recommendations for developing resilient economic and livelihood systems will be an important academic contribution to handling conflict-induced migration and facilitating the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Directorship of the International Research Cluster for researchers at the University of Cologne is one of the funding opportunities of the Cologne International Forum. It enables the realization of up to 5 internationalization projects for comprehensive international, possibly also interdisciplinary networking within the framework of a central research focus. In 2023/24 Prof. Dr. Michaela Pelican has been Director of the cluster, which will now hold its concluding conference.

Conference program and registration

Charlotte Wiedemann
»Israel, Palästina, Deutschland: Traumata und Humanität«

26 November 2024 - 18 Uhr, International House (Kringsweg 6)

Der Veranstaltungsort ist rollstuhlgerecht. Der Vortrag findet in deutscher Lautsprache statt und wird in die Deutsche Gebärdensprache übersetzt. Unterstützt durch den Fond "Gebärdensprach- und Schriftdolmetschen".

Deutsche Gebärdensprache (Logo)
Photo: Anette Daugardt


Was bedeutet historische Verantwortung?

Gibt es Alternativen zur „Staatsraison“?

Welche Rolle spielt die Anerkennung von Holocaust und Nakba in der Vision „A Land for All“?

Die Autorin Charlotte Wiedemann spricht mit Stephan Milich über ihre Erfahrungen in Israel und im Westjordanland und liest aus ihrem Buch „Den Schmerz der Anderen begreifen. Holocaust und Weltgedächtnis“.


Tahereh Aboofazeli, Arjang Omrani, Simone Pfeifer, Kris Rutten, Nanette Snoep, and Masoumeh Zolfaghari
»Weaving Memories - Doing Research with and for the People«

25 November 2024 - 6 p.m., International House (Kringsweg 6)

The venue is wheelchair accessible and the lecture will be held in spoken English.

In this public event we present and discuss the joint exhibition by artist-weavers and researchers from Iran and Germany, “WE ARE NOT CARPETS – I Tell You My Story.”  The collaborative exhibition is shown at the Rautenstrauch-Joest Museum and presents newly created, unique personal carpets and their stories, which are experienced in a poetic and cinematic way. The carpets are the result of the collaborative research project “Weaving Memories,” which provides weavers from the North Khorasan region in Iran with a platform to tell their stories by transforming their craft into a medium of storytelling and as works of art.

With Cologne Center for Advanced Studies in International History and Law (CHL)

»Wissenschaftskommunikation oder politischer Aktivismus?
Public Outreach in der historischen Friedens- und Konfliktforschung«

22 November 2024 - 18 Uhr, International House (Kringsweg 6)

Der Veranstaltungsort ist rollstuhlgerecht und der Vortrag findet in deutscher Lautsprache statt.


  • Prof. Dr. Eckart Conze, Universität Marburg
  • Dr. Franziska Davies, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
  • Prof. Dr. Felix Lange, Universität zu Köln
  • Prof. Dr. Tatjana Tönsmeyer, Universität Wuppertal
  • Dr. Arvid Schors, Universität zu Köln (Moderation)

Das Verhältnis von akademischer Geschichtswissenschaft und breiterer Öffentlichkeit ist seit jeher von gewissen Spannungen geprägt. Während Historiker*innen ihre Forschungsergebnisse gewöhnlich in Büchern festhalten, ist in der Medienöffentlichkeit die pointierte Stellungnahme gefragt. Die moderierte Podiumsdiskussion zwischen vier Wissenschaftler*innen, die regelmäßig Medienanfragen zu für die historische Friedens- und Konfliktforschung relevanten Themen erhalten, zielt darauf ab, die Außenwirkung dieser Forschung kritisch zu debattieren.

Dabei soll grundsätzlich die Frage erörtert werden, in welchem Verhältnis Wissenschaftskommunikation einerseits und politische Positionierungen andererseits zueinanderstehen und wo die Grenzen zwischen diesen Sphären verlaufen – insbesondere bei den häufig mit hohem Polarisierungspotenzial einhergehenden Themen der Historischen Friedens- und Konfliktforschung.


Natasha A. Kelly
»Black Studies – Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft«

30 October 2024 - 18 Uhr

Der Veranstaltungsort ist rollstuhlgerecht. Der Vortrag findet in deutscher Lautsprache statt und wird in die Deutsche Gebärdensprache übersetzt. Unterstützt durch den Fond "Gebärdensprach- und Schriftdolmetschen".

Deutsche Gebärdensprache (Logo)

Theorien, Konzepte und Methoden der Black Studies, wie Diversity, Intersectionality oder Critical Race Theory, haben bereits Einzug in deutsche Universitäten gehalten, dennoch steht die Institutionalisierung dieses akademischen Feldes noch aus. In ihrem Vortrag wird Prof. Dr. Natasha A. Kelly einen tiefen Einblick in die Geschichte, Gegenwart und Zukunft der Black Studies geben und die damit verbundenen Herausforderungen, Konflikte und Potenziale beleuchten. Von der Analyse der afrikanischen Diaspora bis zur Untersuchung von strukturellem und institutionellem Rassismus – dieser Vortrag bietet eine umfassende Einführung in ein wichtiges und dynamisches Feld der Wissensproduktion aus afrozentrischer Perspektive.


Photo: Samia Rachel

Natasha A. Kelly ist seit dem Wintersemester 2023 Gastprofessorin für Kulturwissenschaften im Studium Generale der Universität der Künste Berlin. Sie ist Kommunikationswissenschaftlerin und Soziologin, Autorin und Herausgeberin, Kuratorin und multimediale Künstlerin mit den Themenschwerpunkten Schwarze deutsche Geschichte, Schwarzer Feminismus und Afrofuturismus.



Concluding Event on 19 October 2024 – MESH, EUniWell, Bridges und Titel Autumn Academy for Planetary Wellbeing

Pop-Up Exhibition: Multispecies Storytelling

Pop-Up Exhibition on Multispecies Storytelling feat. participant projects at the University of Cologne, International House

The exhibition displayed the collective multimodal results of one week of intense multidisciplinary collaboration and exchange of our Autumn Academy participants on the topics of Multispecies Conviviality and Planetary (More-than-human) Wellbeing.

Further information:




Lecture Series in German

Ringvorlesung: Rassismuskritik

The diversity of  our (international) scholars enriches the research at the University of Cologne significantly. To achieve an atmosphere in which this diversity is fully appreciated and supported, we need continued discussions on discrimination and structural racism. The Cologne International Forum therefore supports the lecture series Rassismuskritik organized by the Institute of Languages and Cultures of the Islamic World.


Montags 16-17 Uhr, Hörsaal 121 (Gronewaldstr. 2)

Wir beschäftigen uns in dieser Ringvorlesung mit Rassismus in all seinen Variationen und Spielarten: Antisemitismus, anti-muslimischem Rassismus, anti-schwarzem Rassismus, Antiziganismus etc., strukturellem sowie institutionellem. Zu diesen Themen werden Angehörige der UzK, aber auch Gastdozierende von anderen Universitäten und Institutionen sprechen, um möglichst viele Aspekte abzudecken. So wird auch die Geschichte des Kolonialismus eine große Rolle spielen, des christlichen wie des islamischen. Eingehen wollen wir zudem auf Strategien gegen die heutigen, speziell in Deutschland vorhandenen Formen des Rassismus - und uns immer wieder diskutierten Fragen stellen, wie: Gibt es Rassismus gegen Weiße? Oder: Dürfen Nicht-Betroffene über Rassismus forschen/sprechen?

Aufgrund der hohen Nachfrage, kann die Teilnahme nicht garantiert werden. Wir bitten Studierende darum, sich ausschließlich über KLIPS anzumelden.  Alle anderen melden sich bitte hier an.

Siavush Randjbar-Daemi
»The Power of Words - The Writer's Association in Iranian Politics«

5 July, 2024 — 6 p.m.

In his talk, Siavush Randjbar-Daemi explores the Kanun-e Nevisandegan-e Iran, a key writer‘s association, and its role in Iranian politics from 1968 to the 1979 revolution. It highlights how the association became the main non-
violent dissident group during a time of heavy political re-pression, uniting major intellectual figures who had been divided by political conflicts. As part of his upcoming study, Randjbar-Daemi presents a new perspective on the Iranian revolution beyond the usual focus on religious leaders.  

Siavush Randjbar-Daemi is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Modern Middle Eastern History at the University of St Andrews. His core research interests lie in the evolution of the state in modern and contemporary Iran, and the contribution to the public sphere, particularly in periods of relative pluralism, such as the early 1950s or 1979-1981, of a variety of actors, from crowds formed by subaltern parts of society to socio-political elites.

Mert Kocak
»Constructing the Deserving Refugee: EU Financial Aid to Turkey and Refugee Governance «

27 June, 2024 — 6 p.m.

Mert Kocak

During his multi-sited fieldwork with LGBTI+ asylum seekers and refugees, and the local and transnational organizations in Turkey, Mert Kocak made a consistently recurring observation: asylum seekers and refugees gain access to certain rights not because they are entitled to them under national and international laws, but because bureaucratic bodies deem them deserving of these rights.

In this talk, we will seek to answer the following questions: What constitutes the discourse of deserving asylum seekers and refugees? What local and transnational actors play a role in constructing this discourse? How does the 2016 EU-Turkey Agreement influence it? And finally, how does deservingness affect the daily lives of refugees and asylum seekers?

Nira Liberman
»Can Poor Access to Internal States Explain Obsessive-Compulsive Tendencies?«

13 June, 2024 — 6 p.m.

Nira Libermann

Some people easily know what they feel, what they like and what they want. Others, however, find it difficult to access such internal states. Together with Nira Libermann we will look at obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) as an example of this difficulty. Instead of reflecting on their inner emotions, people with OCD rely on external signs that are easier to recognize, such as strict rules or repetitive behaviorisms. Studies have shown that people with OCD often misinterpret signals from their bodies, struggle to understand their emotions, and have a distorted sense of control over their actions. This approach helps us to discuss and understand why people with OCD often have compulsive habits, persistent worries, and doubts. 

Dan Smyer Yü & Franz Krause & Kate Rigby:
»Human Kinship with Nature in the Tibetan Plateau«

Rescheduled to May 14, 2024 — 6 p.m.

Ensouling the Mountain, directed by Dan Smyer Yü, chronicles a pilgrimage to Mt. Amne Machen (Amne Machin) in Qinghai Province, China, a sacred site for Tibetan communities. The film explores how the mountain embodies concepts of home, belonging, and the harmonization of nature. Pilgrims reflect on the significance of Amne Machen as a repository of collective memories, discussing themes of place-making and spirituality.

Dan Smyer Yü, an environmental anthropologist and scholar of religion and ecology, presents powerful insights into the cultural consciousness surrounding the mountain. His work delves into the intersection of landscape, memory, and sustainability, offering a profound understanding of humanity's relationship with the environment.

Simon Becker & Su Myat Thwe & Javier Revilla Diez:
»Insights into Myanmar’s Conflict-Induced Displacement and Livelihoods Situations of Post-Coup Displaced Communities in Mae Sot«

23 April, 2024 — 6 p.m.

Mural of the Myanmar-Thailand Region at the 'Help Without Frontiers Thailand Foundation' in Mae Sot Photo: Michaela Pelican

Since the 1948 declaration of independence, Myanmar has grappled with civil unrest, notably seen in the 2017 Rohingya exodus. The situation worsened after the 2021 coup, leading to increased violence and human rights violations, displacing approximately 2.4 million people by February 19, 2024.

This lecture will cover the current political climate in Myanmar, challenges faced by displaced individuals in Mae Sot, and their integration into the Thai labor market amidst demographic and economic constraints.

Presenters Su Myat Thwe and Simon Becker, members of the International Research Cluster “Conflict-Induced Displacement and Socio-Economic Resilience”, will share findings from their MA theses conducted at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, and the University of Cologne. The presentation will be followed by a moderated discussion and Q&A session.

Lecture Series

We are looking forward to supporting the second part of Professor Katajun Amirpur’s lecture series ‘Woman, Life, Freedom’ that will continue to shed light on the situation in Iran.

Knowing more about the political, historical, and cultural background of Iran and of course the current situation, will be crucial for academic collaborations – If they are to become possible on a larger scale.

The lectures will take place at the university or online and are open to the public. They will be held mostly in German.

Schedule and information in German

Katajun Amirpur:
Women, Life, Freedom. What’s This All About?

23 January, 2024 at 6 p.m.

At our last SALON event for the winter semester of 2023/24, Prof. Katajun Amirpur will enrich our series with an insight into the struggle of the Iranian society. Prof. Amirpur will present her book “Iran without Islam – The Uprising against the theocracy” published in march 2023.

Women burn their hijabs, Mullahs have their turbans torn off their heads. Katajun Amirpur places the uprising against the theocracy, which has been underway since September 2022, into the context of a development that has so far barely been noticed by the West: not only the Iranian society is increasingly turning away from Islam, but also the regime itself. National greatness even publicly takes precedence over the Quran. It is not the Mullahs who rule, but the police and military forces. This stirring book allows us to see Iran with different eyes.

Katajun Amirpur has been Professor of Islamic Studies at the University of Cologne since 2018. She previously taught at the Universities of Hamburg and Zurich. Her research focuses on Shiite Islam, Iranian intellectual history, reform thinking in Islam and the theory and practice of gender movements. 

Alice A. Salamena & Stephan Michael Schröder:
Fan Mail to Danish Film Stars in the 1910s

December 6, 2023 at 6 p.m.

During the 1910s, the film fan came into being. But all we know about the establishment and formation of early film fan practices we know from heavily biased third-party accounts such as press articles, portrayals in literature and film or later memoirs of film stars. However, several newly discovered collections of fan mail to Danish film stars, totalling up to about 2,900 letters, not only makes it possible for the first time ever on a worldwide scale to reconstruct the agency and practices of early film fans and their sociological, cultural, gender and age diversity. At the same time, the difference to the media representation of ›the‹ fan and his/her fandom provides insights into the functionalization of the discourse on fans and fandom in the respective cultural, social and media-historical context.

Meltem Gürle: Resistance, Repetition, Retreat: Turkey and the Bildungsroman


We are happy to announce that Meltem Gürle will talk to us about the Turkish Bildungsroman on November 24, 2023 at 6 p.m.

Meltem Gürle is a comparative literature scholar whose focus is on the genre of the Bildungsroman, with a particular interest in the relationship of post-1950 twentieth-century Turkish literature to the modernist masterpieces of the West in the volatile context of recent Turkish political history. She was a Fritz Thyssen-Fellow at the University of Cologne until September and is presently working on her book, The Turkish Bildungsroman, in which she considers the Turkish influence on the development of the genre.

In this talk we look closely at the dialectical process involved in the formation of subjectivity within the Turkish Bildungsroman. The focus of this analysis centers on themes of stagnation, stasis, and trauma, which diverges notably from the conventional interpretation of the Bildungsroman genre as a narrative of reconciliation. Instead of focusing on the reconciliation of the individual with the society—the ultimate goal of the conventional Bildungsroman— our approach shifts its focus to the challenges encountered in the journey, which eventually evolve into patterns of resistance, repetition, and retreat.

Cologne International Forum: SALON

Gagaku - Traditional Japanese Music 

Kölner Gagaku Ensemble — Monday, 6 November 2023, 6.30 p.m.

Gagaku, which means "elegant music" in Japanese, has been practiced since the 7th century, especially in the imperial court and in religious contexts. Originally, the music goes back to the ceremonial music of China and Korea. Japanese gagaku was designated an intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO in 2009. The highly traditional Japanese music has been "transplanted" to Cologne and cultivated in an experimental way since 2000 by the Cologne Gagaku Ensemble, which is the only gagaku group in Europe.

Since the beginning, the Cologne Gagaku Ensemble has been dedicated to perform traditional music and to contribute to the promotion of cultural understanding between Japan and Germany. The Tenri Japanisch-Deutsche Kulturwerkstatt e.V. Köln, a non-profit  cultural association, has not only provided rehearsal space since 2006, but also all instruments of the ensemble. The director of the ensemble, Dr. Yoshiro Shimizu, is also a representative of Tenri University, a partner university of the University of Cologne.

The gagaku concert takes place on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the city partnerships between Kyoto and Cologne.

We are looking forward to experiencing an important piece of Japanese culture within the SALON series of the Cologne International Forum.


The Atoms of Epicurus

In the framework of the Cologne International Forum tandem collaboration between Federico Giulio Corsi (Università La Sapienza, Roma) und Jürgen Hammerstaedt (Universität zu Köln) three public events will be held at the International House on 26-27 September. Please have a look at the poster for further information.


The Ice Cream Sellers by Sohel Rahmen
Film Screening - June 29, 6 p.m.

Kick-off Event of the Cologne International Forum Salon Series 

The film The Ice Cream Sellers (2021, 75mn) is a human story of the Rohingya people - 'the most persecuted minority in the world. The film invites the audience to become a part of the journey of two young siblings Ayas (10) and Asia (8) across the refugee camp in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, just as the director himself was invited and received intimate access to their journey of life. The director takes the audience around the incredibly hot, dusty camp that stretches as far as the eye can see. The film portrays a story of tragedy and loss, courage, and suffering in the attempt by the two siblings to earn enough money to bribe officials for the release of their father from prison in Myanmar. The Ice Cream Sellers is a timely, relevant, and significant film, especially as it gives an insightful context to the Rohingya refugee community and their lives in Bangladesh, five years on from the onslaught of violence they experienced in August 2017.

Registration and further information on the event


Photo: Annette Hornischer

Cologne International Forum Opening:

»Classics Now: The Importance of Studying Antiquity in Our Present Age of Crisis«

Guest lecture by Jackie Murray (Professor of Classical Philology, University of Kentucky, SUNY Buffalo, Fellow of the American Academy, Berlin)