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Cologne International Forum

University of Cologne International


Cologne International Forum News & Activities

Art and Cultural Goods in Circulation

Art and Cultural Goods in Circulation

Symposium in collaboration with ZADIK
Call for Applications: Innovative Tandem Collaborations 2025/2026

Call for Applications: Innovative Tandem Collaborations 2025/2026

Research Funding - deadlines to be considered for selection: 31 March and 31 August 2025
Three coral colored circles in a row on a dark blue background containing the portrait photos of Dennis Agelebe, Kasimir Dederichs, and Gözde Özenç İra, the international researchers of the 2025 tandem collaborations.

Three New Innovative Tandem Collaborations Selected for 2025!

Meet the International Researchers!

Interviews & Stories

Mert Kocak and Amy Naira Fischer in conversation.

Gender, Migration and Digitalization

Cologne International Forum
Innovative Tandem Collaboration

In Conversation with Mert Kocak
Arts in Mind: Artistic Practices of Mental Health and Human Rights Activism in Latin America

Arts in Mind: Artistic Practices of Mental Health and Human Rights Activism in Latin America

In Conversation with Humboldt Fellow Marileen La Haije
Portrait: Natasha A. Kelly

Recap: »Black Studies – Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft«

Cologne International Forum: SALON

A Lecture with Natasha A. Kelly
30 October 2024 – 6 pm

University of Cologne International

The image has a dark blue background with white text. The University of Cologne logo is in the top left corner, and

Transatlantic Tandem Talk

Rising Above or Lagging Behind? Inequality in Higher Education in the U.S. And Germany
Rows of pastel-coloured chairs set up for an audience. Overlaid with text: EUniWell Open Lecture Series

Social Talks – Fighting Discrimination in Europe

EUniWell Open Lecture Series
Text box: The program was a life-changing opportunity to network with scholars from across the continent, and to improve different skills and competencies which will be useful for our personal and professional lives. Dennis Makhandia (TU München). Visible on the right: A smart young man is standing in the spotlight of a huge lecture hall, confidently smiling into the camera, Banner on the bottom reading: LEAD! Leadership for Africa. Icon: swipe to the left.

LEAD! — Leadership for Africa

Promoting good governance and civil society for African scholarship holders

Cologne International Forum Newsletter

If you would like to obtain information on events, grant opportunities and international collaborations in research and teaching at the University of Cologne, please subscribe to our newsletter.