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Future Ancestralities in the Amazonia: Indigenous Arts of Resistance


Cologne International Forum Innovative Tandem Collaboration: 1 December 2023 - 30 November 2024

Dr. Trudruá Dorrico (Roraima, Brazil)

Partner at the University of Cologne: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Peter W. Schulze (Portuguese-Brazilian Institute)


The project "Future Ancestralities in the Amazonia: Indigenous Arts of Resistance" is dedicated to the study of contemporary literature, visual arts, performance and films produced by indigenous subjects in Brazil. Based on plurinational identities, originating from the Amazon biome, we seek to analyze the artistic-literary-cultural panorama in the messages used by artist in their works.

To evaluate the protection of ancestral territories, indigenous bodies, and climate justice recurring in indigenous cultural production, we employ indigenous theory, whose paradigm contests the man versus culture dichotomy, created in the modern regime, anthropocentrism. Using books, essays, letters, posts, videos by indigenous intellectuals as the cornerstone of the project, we attempt to dialogue with post-colonial and decolonial theoretical currents and contemporary authors, in order to identify how the consequences of ethnic-racial relations constructed by Brazilian indigenous policy, imply the suffocation of indigenous voices and expressions.

The project, in addition to seeking to make various Amazons visible, also aims to make concepts such as self-determination, Abya Yala, Contemporary Indigenous Art, Live School, Panton Pia', indigenous identity, forestship, all existing in the indigenous movement and claimed as belonging to the indigenous world.

Dr. Trudruá Dorrico

Trudruá Dorrico belongs to the Makuxi people. PhD in Literature Theory at PUCRS. She is a writer, artist, speaker and researcher of indigenous literature. Won 1st place in the Tamoios/FNLIJ/UKA New Indigenous Writers competition in 2019. Administrator of the @leiamulheresindigenas profile on Instagram. Curator of the 1st Indigenous Literature Exhibition at the Indigenous Peoples Museum (UFU). Authoress of the work “I am Macuxi and other stories” (Caos e Letras, 2019), "Time of reclaim" (Urutau, 2023) and organizer of "Originárias: one anthology feminine indigenous literature" (Companhia das Letrinhas, 2023). Curator of FeCCI - I Indigenous Film Festival, Brasília (2022). She was a resident at the Cité Internationale des Arts (Paris, 2023). She is currently a postdoctoral fellow in the Emerging and Consolidating Postgraduate Development Program PDPG - Strategic Postdoctoral/UFRR (2023).


Jewellery from the Fulniô people
Jewellery from the Fulniô people